Setup Guide

Snowflake Metadata Access

As outlined in our security documentation, SELECT requires a new user to be created with read-only access to your Snowflake account metadata database. In the sections below, we'll walk you through the access commands step by step. Alternatively, you can skip ahead to the full script and run it in one go.

Ensure you have access to run these commands!

In order to run this setup script, your user will need to have access to the accountadmin role. If you're not sure whether you have this, you can run show grants to user <your_username> to check.

Step 1: Create new user & role

First off, create a new user and role that will only be used by SELECT. You'll need to update the PASSWORD_HERE with a randomly generated password 1. Alternatively, configure key-pair authentication. Be sure to save the credentials, since you'll need to enter it into the SELECT web application later on.

use role accountadmin;
create user if not exists select_user
password = 'PASSWORD_HERE'
default_role = select_user
default_warehouse = select_user
comment = 'Used by'
create role if not exists select_user comment = 'Used by';
grant role select_user to user select_user;

Step 2: Create a new warehouse

Next, create a new warehouse for SELECT. SELECT will use this warehouse to query your Snowflake metadata once per day. The cost of running this warehouse will be minimal. If preferred, you can instead grant us access to run the queries from an existing warehouse 2.

use role accountadmin;
create warehouse if not exists select_user
comment = 'Used by'
grant monitor, operate, usage, modify
on warehouse select_user to role select_user

Step 3: Create a storage integration

To export your account's metadata in the fastest and most cost-efficient way, we export directly to a secure Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket. The commands below create a storage integration and allows the select_user role to write the Snowflake metadata to SELECT's GCS bucket using it.

use role accountadmin;
create storage integration if not exists select_export
type = external_stage
storage_provider = 'GCS' -- leave this as GCS, even if your account is AWS/Azure
enabled = true
storage_allowed_locations = ('*');
grant usage on integration select_export to role select_user;

If you'd like to restrict the storage_allowed_locations to just the required bucket, see the tooltip on the add account form for the required SQL for your account. Optionally, a named stage can be used if you've set PREVENT_UNLOAD_TO_INLINE_URL=true, the SQL for which is again auto-generated on the add account form.

SQL to create stage

Google Cloud Storage is used as an intermediary between SELECT's Snowflake account and the customer's. This is done because the Snowflake account usage views used by the product cannot be data shared directly, and the customer accounts may be in different regions which would require setting up data replication. Using Google Cloud Storage makes setup a lot simpler and more cost-effective for the customer.

As per our security documentation, each customer's Snowflake metadata is stored in a dedicated Google Cloud Storage bucket. If you would like to restrict the storage_allowed_locations to just that bucket, please reach out to the SELECT team (via email or using the Intercom chat at the bottom right) and share your Snowflake account identifier and our team will provide you with the GCP bucket name for your account.

Data is stored in the us-east-1 Google Cloud region. There is a data egress cost charged by Snowflake, but it's incredibly small for the metadata volumes we're processing (the highest we've seen across our customer base is $20 per year).

Step 4: Grant user read only access to Snowflake metadata

Next, we'll grant select_user read only access to the Snowflake metadata database. We also give it permission to run show warehouses commands.

-- Allows SELECT to query Snowflake metadata
grant imported privileges on database snowflake to role select_user;
-- Allows SELECT to monitor warehouses
grant monitor usage on account to role select_user;

Step 5: Ensure your account has ORGADMIN access

SELECT relies on a few views from the snowflake.organization_usage schema. For example, snowflake.organization_usage.rate_sheet_daily is used to look up your daily rate for each Snowflake service (i.e. your cost per credit for compute, cost per terabyte for storage, etc).

Please run the following SQL statement to check if your account has these views populated:

use role accountadmin;
select *
from snowflake.organization_usage.rate_sheet_daily

If records are returned, you're all set and can move on to the next step.

If no records are returned, the ORGADMIN role likely isn't enabled for the account. To enable it, log into a Snowflake account in your organization which has ORGADMIN enabled (at least one account will), then head to Admin -> Accounts in the sidebar. Then, enable ORGADMIN for the account you're connecting to SELECT.

Enter Snowflake account info into SELECT

It can take up to 1 day for these views become populated with data after running this statement. As a result, you may not see data in your Snowflake account until the morning after connecting your account. Reach out to our team using the Intercom chat on the website if you're still not seeing data after 1 day.

Purchased your Snowflake credits through a reseller?

Users who purchased their Snowflake contract/credits through a reseller (i.e. AWS Marketplace) will not have access to the organization_usage views even after running the command above. Please share a copy of your latest Snowflake invoice with the SELECT team (via chat or by emailing [email protected]) and we will manually input the applicable rates for your account.

Step 6: Grant user ability to monitor warehouses

Lastly, we give select_user the ability to monitor warehouse settings through the manage warehouses permission. This permission is also required for SELECT to retrieve query statistics using get_query_operator_stats.

grant manage warehouses on account to role select_user;

Full Script

After updating the PASSWORD_HERE in the second command, you can run the entire script at once.

-- Step 1: Create new user
use role accountadmin;
create user if not exists select_user
password = 'PASSWORD_HERE'
default_role = select_user
default_warehouse = select_user
comment = 'Used by'
create role if not exists select_user comment = 'Used by';
grant role select_user to user select_user;
-- Step 2: Create a new X-SMALL warehouse for SELECT to use when reading Snowflake metadata
create warehouse if not exists select_user
comment = 'Used by'
grant usage on warehouse select_user to role select_user;
-- Step 3: Create a storage integration in GCS so SELECT can export metadata required to power cost dashboards
-- Used to power dashboards in
create storage integration if not exists select_export
type = external_stage
storage_provider = 'GCS' -- leave this as GCS, even if your account is AWS/Azure
enabled = true
storage_allowed_locations = ('*');
grant usage on integration select_export to role select_user;
-- Step 4: Grant SELECT_USER required privileges
-- SELECT will get read only access to Snowflake account metadata database:
-- Allows SELECT to query Snowflake metadata
grant imported privileges on database snowflake to role select_user;
-- Allows SELECT to monitor warehouses
grant monitor usage on account to role select_user;
-- Step 5: Give SELECT the ability to modify each warehouse in your account and retrieve query statistics
-- through get_query_operator_stats
grant manage warehouses on account to role select_user;

[OPTIONAL] Step 7 - Update Network Policies

If your Snowflake account has configured a network policy to restrict access based on IP address, you'll need to update the network policy to allow SELECT to connect to your Snowflake account.

If you're using Snowsight, head to Admin » Security » Network Policies. If you're using the Classic Web Interface, head to Account » Policies. From there, you can add our IP address,, to your "Allowed IP Addresses".

Updating an account wide network policy

If you are updating a network policy that is currently active for all users in your Snowflake account, no action is required once you've added the IP address to the allowed list.

Creating a new network policy

If you would instead prefer to create a new network policy containing our IP address, you must also activate that network policy for the SELECT user by running a command like:

alter user select_user set network_policy = your_new_network_policy_name

Additional resources

See the Snowflake documentation for more details, or reach out to using the chat button on the bottom right if you run into any issues.

Next Steps

Head to our instructions on connecting your Snowflake account and add the details for the new Snowflake user you just created.


1 We recommend using a tool like 1Password to both randomly generate and save the password. Alternatively, you can use a password generator website and store the password securely elsewhere.

2 If you'd prefer to have SELECT run the metadata extracts from an existing warehouse, you can run the commands below instead:

use role accountadmin;
grant monitor, operate, usage on warehouse YOUR_PREFERED_WAREHOUSE_NAME to role select_user;
alter user select_user set default_warehouse=YOUR_PREFERED_WAREHOUSE_NAME