Get up and running with SELECT in 15 minutes.

Complete Cost Visibility

SELECT provides a single pane of glass for your Snowflake usage, so you can see exactly where each credit is going.

SELECT web application screenshot

Understand Top Workloads

  • Instantly discover your top query workloads
  • Understand performance and cost trends
  • Access workload run history and query profiles
SELECT web application screenshot

A Page for Every Snowflake Resource

  • Easily explore and identify Snowflake resources
  • Understand cost, performance and usage trends
  • Receive optimization recommendations
SELECT web application screenshot

Intelligent Query Pattern Recognition

  • SELECT automatically identifies recurring queries through query parsing and SQL fingerprinting analysis
  • Identify slow or expensive query patterns
SELECT web application screenshot

Hear firsthand from SELECT's users.

SELECT helped us monitor and reduce our overall Snowflake spend by almost 40%. The reporting showed me bottlenecks in minutes that would’ve otherwise taken weeks to dig through metadata and sort out. The Automated Savings savings feature alone is saving us over $10k a month across our accounts, allowing us to bring on new workloads.

Garrett McClintock
Analytics Engineering Manager

SELECT's app has become an invaluable resource to our company. It clearly breaks down our costs to allow us to focus on the most important areas of cost. SELECT has repeatedly surfaced inefficient common query patterns, and has helped us spot 200 TiB of unused tables to drop, resulting in continued significant cost savings. SELECT is always adding new features to help their customers better understand and reduce their spending. We can't recommend them highly enough!

Sean Abraham
Senior Principal Software Engineer

SELECT is a team favorite - its cost monitoring and auto savings give us peace of mind that our Snowflake spend is in check. The platform’s detailed insights across SQL queries, dbt, and Looker usage provides a comprehensive view into credit spend that is unmatched by other solutions. SELECT has helped us significantly optimize how we use Snowflake.

Dan Corcoran
Senior Data Engineering Manager

Learn your optimization potential in minutes

Securely connect your Snowflake account to SELECT and immediately gain access to Snowflake usage insights and automated optimizations.

Explore other features of the SELECT platform

Complete cost visibility

Easily explore and monitor Snowflake usage

Automated Savings

Instantly save an average of 10-20% of your compute spend

Rich integrations

Understand consumption from connected data tools


Save hours of work with intelligent optimization recommendations

Comprehensive notifications

Get notifications directly to Slack and Teams for peace of mind

Flexible chargebacks and budgets

Allocate usage and set budgets for teams or projects by user, role and more