Don’t get caught off guard. Ever.
Automatically get notified of spend anomalies and easily route alerts to your preferred destination.

SELECT provides our team with complete visibility into all aspects of our Snowflake bill and usage.Our team regularly uses SELECT to monitor costs and get alerted on key changes. The dbt & Looker integrations are also super helpful for identifying performance bottlenecks.

Jonathan Talmi
Senior Data Engineering Manager

Get alerted on anything
Avoid surprises from cost spikes, data quality issues, or degraded performance. Get automatically notified about anomalies from any metric or resource in your data warehouse.

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Get notified in any destination and immediately understand why an alert was triggered with full context.

Quickly triage and diagnose root cause
Discuss and triage issues directly from your team workspaces with two clicks.

Get up and running in less than 15 minutes
Connect your Snowflake account and instantly understand your savings potential.