
Sample Queries


The following sample queries are useful starting points for performing analysis on top of the models provided by this package. Before running the queries, make sure that the default database and schema have been set:

use database [dbt-snowflake-monitoring model database]
use schema [dbt-snowflake-monitoring model schema]

Reproducing the Monthly Snowflake Invoice

The daily_spend model reproduces the monthly Snowflake invoice precisely, broken down by the same service categories. The daily_spend model contains additional columns for warehouse_name, database_name and storage_type to further break down spend (see more examples below).

date_trunc(month, date)::date as month,
from daily_spend
group by 1, 2

Warehouse Costs

Monthly Spend per Warehouse

This query uses the daily_spend model to explore spend by warehouse name. Some queries don't require a running warehouse, which is why you'll see a row for warehouse_name = 'Cloud Services Only'.

date_trunc(month, date)::date as month,
sum(spend_net_cloud_services) as spend
from daily_spend
where service in ('Compute', 'Cloud Services')
group by 1, 2

Storage Costs

Monthly Spend per Database

This query uses the daily_spend model to explore table spend by database. Note that this also returns storage costs for data held in stages (user and table stages or internal named stages), see the storage_type column.

date_trunc(month, date)::date as month,
from daily_spend
where service in ('Storage')
group by 1, 2, 3, 4

Unused Tables

This query uses the query_base_table_access model (available as of 4.0.0) to identify tables which have not been queried in the last 30 days. The total storage costs of each table are also shown, which uses the account's current storage rate (usually between $20-$40 per TB per month). See this post for more details on the difference between base versus direct tables accessed.

table_access_summary as (
any_value(full_table_name) as full_table_name,
count_if(query_start_time >= dateadd('day', -30, current_date)) as num_queries_last_30d,
count_if(query_start_time >= dateadd('day', -90, current_date)) as num_queries_last_90d
from query_base_table_access
group by 1
table_storage_metrics as (
id as table_id,
sum(active_bytes)/power(1024,3) as active_gb,
sum(time_travel_bytes)/power(1024,3) as time_travel_gb,
sum(failsafe_bytes)/power(1024,3) as failsafe_gb,
sum(retained_for_clone_bytes)/power(1024,3) as retained_for_clone_gb,
(active_gb + time_travel_gb + failsafe_gb + retained_for_clone_gb) as total_storage_gb,
total_storage_gb/1024 as total_storage_tb,
total_storage_tb*12*any_value(daily_rates.effective_rate) as annualized_storage_cost
from snowflake.account_usage.table_storage_metrics
inner join daily_rates
on daily_rates.is_latest_rate
and daily_rates.usage_type='storage'
not deleted
group by 1
table_access_summary.* exclude (table_id)
from table_storage_metrics
inner join table_access_summary
on table_storage_metrics.table_id=table_access_summary.table_id
num_queries_last_30d = 0 -- modify as needed
order by table_storage_metrics.annualized_storage_cost desc

Query Cost Attribution

Snowflake bills for the number of seconds that a warehouse is running, not by query. Query cost attribution helps understand how queries are contributing to warehouse active time. Removing a query will not reduce the bill by the exact amount attributed to the query if other queries are running at the same time and causing the warehouse to stay active.

Cloud services credits are only billed if they exceed 10% of the compute credit consumption on a given day. The cost per query model accounts for this, but current day values will change up until the end of the day.

Top 10 costliest queries in the last 30 days

max_date as (
select max(date(end_time)) as date
from query_history_enriched
md5(query_history_enriched.query_text_no_comments) as query_signature,
any_value(query_history_enriched.query_text) as query_text,
sum(query_history_enriched.query_cost) as total_cost_last_30d,
total_cost_last_30d*12 as estimated_annual_cost,
max_by(warehouse_name, start_time) as latest_warehouse_name,
max_by(warehouse_size, start_time) as latest_warehouse_size,
max_by(query_id, start_time) as latest_query_id,
avg(execution_time_s) as avg_execution_time_s,
count(*) as num_executions
from query_history_enriched
cross join max_date
query_history_enriched.start_time >= dateadd('day', -30, max_date.date)
and query_history_enriched.start_time < max_date.date -- don't include partial day of data
group by 1
order by total_cost_last_30d desc
limit 10

dbt Cost Attribution

Top 10 costliest dbt models in the last 30 days

max_date as (
select max(date(end_time)) as date
from dbt_queries
sum(dbt_queries.query_cost) as total_cost_last_30d,
total_cost_last_30d*12 as estimated_annual_cost
from dbt_queries
cross join max_date
dbt_queries.start_time >= dateadd('day', -30, max_date.date)
and dbt_queries.start_time < max_date.date -- don't include partial day of data
group by 1
order by total_cost_last_30d desc
limit 10

Daily dbt model running costs

date(start_time) as date,
sum(query_cost) as cost
from dbt_queries
where dbt_node_id = '<dbt model node id>'
group by 1
order by 1 desc